After checking the ATIS, METARS, TAF and preflight, we took off and the original plan was a fly in to KHAF for lunch. Unfortunately the weather was not VFR and I am not yet instrument rated so we diverted over the coast to Santa Cruz which had better conditions. Still was a lot of clouds so we stayed away from them and had a nice view of Santa Cruz harbor.
It was amazing views and I did some steep turns to let my friend take great shots.
What an amazing place to work and live! Such great flying and scenery in short reach. Driving to Santa Cruz and Monterey is at least an hour drive more with weekend traffic. But a short 15 minute hop gets you close and personal with the gorgeous coastline. On the way back we did some touch and go landings for fun at SJC airport with its big runways.
It is lots of fun landing at a big busy airport like SJC because you see the jumbo jets take off and land right by you! Anyways back up in the air after some fun landings, we headed over downtown San Jose.
I then had my buddy take some great shots of downtown San Jose.
All in all a fun relaxing day and great time flying the south bay area!
My friend Vikas also a pilot and myself then landed and had a great post flight meal at a wonderful Vietnamese pho place in Sunnyvale called House of Pho.